The Problems with TSH as a Marker for Optimized Anti-Depressant Augmentation: Why Free T3 and Antithyroid Antibody Laboratory Testing is Essential

Title: The Problems with TSH as a Marker for Optimized Anti-Depressant Augmentation: Why Free T3 and Antithyroid Antibody Laboratory Testing is Essential

Thyroid is commonly screened by a TSH lab test. Most physicians do not realize that this test is flawed and affected by dozens of confounders -- it can seem fine and yet your thyroid could be impaired.

We will summarize research that others have published, and offer case studies showing why shortcuts in thyroid testing might save a few dollars, but in the end misses ideal dosing and optimal thyroid levels.

In psychiatry, we have used T3 for years to safely help depression with fatigue. T4 (Synthroid) does not work as well in many people because it has to become T3 to be "active" Thyroid.

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