Bartonella Diagnosis and Treatment in Naples, FL

The only significant text in a decade. Schaller is not fooled by the use of Rifampin, Biaxin, Zithromax (azithromycin), Ceftin, Levoquin, Gentamycin, Ketek or other so called "cures" for Bartonella.

He knows Bartonella skin marks and labs can improve and people can feel better on these treatments, and in a year or two, they are fully relapsed.

Who has done the outcome research he has done? No other person has tested patients who come to him after a wide range of traditional and alternative treatments—traditional medicines, Rife, herbs of all types, energy medicine, etc.


The Diagnosis and Treatment of Bartonella (2 Volumes of FULL Color)


"I can only find this author doing anything practical and complete in the last decade. This infection seems to cause psychiatric troubles, mess up Lyme treatment, and many other things. A contribution to the human race."

- Louise C. "Louise C." (Tampa, FL)


"I tried to save my money and got the discount black and white. It was OK.

I also learned from the book I still had Bartonella because the treatments were junk. I looked for Bartonella books and none are around.

My two grand kids were diagnosed from these 40 new exam findings and the labs showed they had it! That is sure new.

If you can afford it go with color. I think the author tried to offer a discounted version, and it just ended up folks could not appreciate this was such new information.

Diagnosis from a 3 minute exam is really quite fascinating and born out in my family."

- Reality "T. Robeski" (California)

wow, July 24, 2008

"wow...a picture is worth a thousand words. i'm positive for pc doc left off the bartonella but i have many of the bartonella "rashes"...finally a doctor who gets it. my 4YO is profoundly delayed...i got very sick when i got pregnant, my rhuematologist/obgyn/pc medical charts read classis lymes...but it was incorrectly ruled out. i would recount my difficult pregnancy...not one doc at CHOP, NYU, MT Sinai all the NJ specialists could connect the dots...even with a positive IgM 23 band 4 years ago. It is shocking—lymes/bartonella is endemic where i live...this is a great book, and this doctor's website is fabulous if you have fallen through every medical crack in the system."

- L. Driscoll

Cutting-Edge Information on Bartonella!, July 23, 2008

"When I became sick as a result of Lyme disease and its most common co-infections; bartonella, babesia, and ehrlichia—I wanted a book that would address in-depth ALL of these infections. I could not find one. So when Dr. James Schaller released a book on Babesia, I was elated. Finally, a physician had published information on an epidemic infection that remains virtually unknown in medicine. This book helped me tremendously to understand what I needed to do to treat my Babesia.

Now, Dr. Schaller has done it again with Bartonella, perhaps an even less understood infection, but which, like Babesia, is an epidemic in the United States and extremely dangerous if left untreated. I am awestruck by the fact that Dr. Schaller has been the ONLY physician to write an up-to-date book on these widespread, pernicious infections, but I am grateful that he has done so! I can only imagine how his work is going to help many to overcome these oft-misdiagnosed, but important infections.

What I really appreciate about Dr. Schaller's books, in addition to the plethora of information found therein, is that he writes in an easy-to-understand language, and uses drawings and photos to illustrate his points. This book is no exception. When it comes to trying to understand how bartonella affects the body, or what a bartonella rash looks like, photos are an extremely helpful aid, and especially for the really sick who have trouble assimilating information via lengthy explanations.

I am well-read in the areas of Lyme disease and its co-infections, and yet by reading this book I realized how much still I didn't know, including the lesser-known ways in which Bartonella is transmitted—how it can be identified, and finally, treated. Cutting-edge solutions that have been published nowhere else are presented, providing the reader with new weapons against an infection that is notoriously difficult to treat. Whether or not you have Bartonella, I would recommend reading this book, because, chances are, someone you know has the infection; they just don't know it yet. Also, it is vital to know how to avoid contracting the infection, since it is so deceptively easy to catch.

Finally, Dr. Schaller always manages to inject a bit of humor into his books, and this one is no exception. It makes his work interesting to read, and gives the reader hope. As Dr. Schaller's other books, I highly recommend this one for an enlightening glimpse into the world of tick and other insect-borne infections.


- By Connie Strasheim, (Denver Colorado)


"The black & white edition is good but the color is absolutely the BEST!!!! It is written in laymans terms so it can be read & understood easily. In my opinion, everyone, especially people in the medical professional, should read this book & hopefully someday soon the disease will be better diagnosed and less people will perish from this disease and other tick borne illnesses. Thank you Dr.Schaller for all your time & research in making this book - i can not find words to say just how much his books have helped me."

- M. Knoll, Maplewood NJ, USA

Excellent and not well known information on Bartonella, July 22, 2008

"The Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Bartonella: Atypical Bartonella Treatment Failures and 40 Hypothetical Physical Exam Findings (the color version)is superior quality reading for those wishing to further enhance their medical knowledge. With a study just completed by Eva Sapi at the University of New Haven that shows that 30% of ticks collected in Connecticut in 2003 contained Bartonella, this book is a must read for medical professionals. The complications that Bartonella cause, including the suppression of the immune system, which is further complicated when combined with co-infections such as Lyme and Babesia, are not well known or understood. How much solid information is taught in medical schools or busy residency programs which merely teach medical basics?

Dr. Schaller sheds light on this emerging stealth infection and discusses vast amounts of new research. The volume includes many photos to help any health care professional in diagnosis as well as clear, easy to follow information on dubious antibiotic treatments. This book is a must read for any medical professional who wants to be on top of the latest research on Bartonella, an illness currently affecting untold numbers of people across the country and being missed by well meaning doctors. Dr. Schaller diagnosed my son as having Bartonella, Babesia, and another infection. My son was one of six who had been to a total of 28 doctors who were unable to diagnose us. Dr. Schaller's research showed us how it was being missed. My son is in fabulous shape now due to Dr. Schaller's research. Dr. Schaller is truly a doctor who is years ahead of his time. Perhaps you, as a professional health care worker, will spend a little time learning and stop missing this serious infection which harms every major organ 15-20 ways."

- Jane Mills

Bartonella Diagnosis and Treatment

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